European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

NBBL/JBBL Top4 2015: NBBL Player Review

May 31st, 2015 · No Comments

Here are the scouting reports on the main prospects from the NBBL Top4 2015 in Hagen. These include players like Niklas Kiel, Richard Freudenberg or Jonas Grof.


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NBBL/JBBL Top 2015: the Finals

May 17th, 2015 · No Comments

The second day of the NBBL and JBBL Top 4 is always marked by the Finals and the distribution of individual trophies. We discuss both games in a short recap and inform you about the official awards and the All-Top4- Teams.


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NBBL/JBBL Top4 2015: the semis

May 16th, 2015 · No Comments

This weekend, the German NBBL and JBBL Top4 are being played in Hagen. After having covered this event for years live from the gym, I had to skip it this time but could follow the games through the LIVE Stream of the organizers.


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NBBL Top4 2014: Player review

May 21st, 2014 · 4 Comments

In the first part of our JBBL/NBBL Top4 review from 2014, I will analyze the main prospects from the U19 level. Overall, the U19 level was quite deep but lacked to top-level talent compared to the the U16. Nevertheless, the event was good to get an update on some promising players for the like Ismet […]


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NBBL/JBBL Top4 2014: Semi-Finals

May 17th, 2014 · No Comments

After a one year break, I am back to cover the NBBL and JBBL Top4 which is held in Quakenbrück this year. With the constant rise of the talent level in German Youth basketball, it is a really great event to cover some of the most promising prospects. Let’s take a look at what happened […]


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Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2014: the Bigs

May 14th, 2014 · No Comments

In the last part of our analysis of the Albert Schweitzer Tournament, we are taking a look at the European big guys. Unfortunately, I could not follow a game of France in order to scout Antoine Wallez but here are my reports on the other interesting players and also on the MVP of the tournament, […]


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Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2014: Finals

April 26th, 2014 · No Comments

The last day of the Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2014 has featured the 8 best teams competing against each other in a well filled GBG Halle in Mannheim. Here are our thoughts on these 4 last games.


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Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2014: Day 3

April 22nd, 2014 · No Comments

The last day of the first round at the 2014 edition of the Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2014 was also my first day at the traditional U18 event. The day started with a decisive game for advancing to the second round and finished with the classical Germany versus Turkey matchup.


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Players to watch at the AST 2014 (Groups A+B)

April 18th, 2014 · 2 Comments

The Albert Schweitzer Tournament will start tomorrow Saturday in Mannheim into its 27th edition. Considered by many people as the unofficial U18 World Championship, the tournament will feature once again 16 teams from all around the World. We take a quick look at who are the players to follow this year. In a first article, […]


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Notes on the U16 European Championship

August 20th, 2013 · 2 Comments

The U16 European Championship 2013 is history. I was not able to cover the event from the Ukraine and despite the great coverage by the Ukrainian media, I could not even follow many games through live streams. So here are a few notes on the players that I managed to see at least a little. […]


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