European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

NBBL/JBBL Top4 2015: JBBL Player Review

July 18th, 2015 · No Comments

A bit late but better late than never. Here are the scouting reports on the most interesting prospects of the JBBL Top4 2015 in Hagen.


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NBBL/JBBL Top 2015: the Finals

May 17th, 2015 · No Comments

The second day of the NBBL and JBBL Top 4 is always marked by the Finals and the distribution of individual trophies. We discuss both games in a short recap and inform you about the official awards and the All-Top4- Teams.


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NBBL/JBBL Top4 2015: the semis

May 16th, 2015 · No Comments

This weekend, the German NBBL and JBBL Top4 are being played in Hagen. After having covered this event for years live from the gym, I had to skip it this time but could follow the games through the LIVE Stream of the organizers.


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JBBL Top4 2014: Player review

May 28th, 2014 · 1 Comment

After having covered the best prospects of the NBBL Top4 2014, this article will talk about the most interesting players of the JBBL Top4 including top prospect Isaiah Hartenstein. It has to be said that the level of individualities in the U16 category was exceptional with a multitude of future high-level players. Here is the […]


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