European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2014: the Guards

May 4th, 2014 · No Comments

In our scouting reports on the Albert-Schweitzer Tournament 2014, we will only talk about players from European teams. We start traditionally with the guards so here we go if you want to know more about Frederico Mussini, Ludde Hakanson or Furkan Korkmaz.


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Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2014: Finals

April 26th, 2014 · No Comments

The last day of the Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2014 has featured the 8 best teams competing against each other in a well filled GBG Halle in Mannheim. Here are our thoughts on these 4 last games.


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Italy Under 19 National Finals Day 4

May 31st, 2013 · No Comments

In Day 4 of Italy’s under 19 national finals Assigeco Casalpusterlengo, Pms Moncalieri, Comark Bergamo and Virtus Siena found their way to the quarterfinals after their wins in the barrage between second and third seeded teams of each group.


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