European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

French U20 coach comments on his roster

July 5th, 2010 · 2 Comments

With the U20 European Championship starting this Thursday in Croatia, the French magazine Basketnews spoke with Head coach Jean-Aimé Toupane who commented on every player of his roster. As France has not decided already who are the 12 players that will be present, there may be some changes to definitive list for the Championship.


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Adidas Eurocamp Treviso 2010: Day 2

June 7th, 2010 · 3 Comments

The second day of the Adidas Eurocamp 2010 is in the books and the result was a bit the same than on Day 1: no really big surprises in terms of the sighting of new talents and the confirmation of the talent of some of the other guys. Additionally, the cancellation of a Miroslav Raduljica […]


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Trophée du Futur: Quarter-Finals

May 29th, 2010 · No Comments

The French Trophée du Futur started yesterday in Poitiers with the quarter-finals. Here we go for a quick round-up of the action.


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Busy weekend throughout Europe

April 26th, 2010 · No Comments

We come back to some news from this weekend as it has been particularly busy in terms of tournaments, league results and NBA Draft decisions.


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