European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Generation Ranking: 1992 born players (UPDATE)

August 25th, 2010 · 2 Comments

With the U18 European Championships in the books, it was about time to update our Ranking of the 1992 born players. This category is still easily dominated by Lithuania and it was tough to find a 2nd best team because of either the absence of the main 92 born players in the U18 European Championship […]



Generation Ranking: 1990 born players (UPDATE)

July 26th, 2010 · No Comments

With the U20 European Championships of Division A and B coming to an end last weekend, it was about time to update our Generation Ranking of the 199o born players. With the Gold Medals of France in the higher competition and Austria in the 2nd one, there have been some changes that we will go […]


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Generation Rankings update: AST 2010

April 18th, 2010 · 1 Comment

With the Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2010 in the books, it is time to go for an update on our Generation Rankings. Even if several major players were not present, something which can also happen at European Championships because of injuries, the results of the tournament will be taken into account for our rankings. The main […]


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Generation Ranking: 1993 born players

February 4th, 2010 · 6 Comments

What counted for the 1992 generation is also valid for the 1993 born players. Because of the limited number of times I could scout these players, the Ranking will only feature 15 teams. This generation will play the U17 World Championship this summer in Hambourg (Germany).


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Generation Ranking: 1989 born players

January 21st, 2010 · No Comments

After the 1988 born generation, we take a look today at the 1989 born players. In general, it is one of the poorer generations in Europe over the last years, so  the number of outstanding players is limited. However, several players have already reached a very good level in Senior basketball which gave their respective […]


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Generation Ranking: 1988 born players

January 20th, 2010 · 1 Comment

A new article series on starts today with the Generation Rankings. These rankings have been established including the results of the specific generation in the different youth tournaments and championships as well as the current level of its players. Additionally, I took into account how the generation performed in relation with the general level […]


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