European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Generation Ranking: 1988 born players

January 20th, 2010 · 1 Comment

A new article series on starts today with the Generation Rankings. These rankings have been established including the results of the specific generation in the different youth tournaments and championships as well as the current level of its players. Additionally, I took into account how the generation performed in relation with the general level […]


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Eurobasket 2009: the generation check

September 13th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Coming back from holidays out of the basketball no-man’s land Switzerland, it will take me some time to get back into the feeling of the Eurobasket 2009. However, I made a quick analysis of the present teams and their different rosters in relation with the age of the players and I will try to find […]


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NBA Draft 2009: the European candidates

June 23rd, 2009 · No Comments

With the NBA Draft being held at the Madison Square Garden this Thursday, I go for a quick check of the most interesting European Draft candidates for the year 2009.


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Today’s picks

May 27th, 2009 · 7 Comments

The upcoming European and World Championships are coming closer so that the first preliminary rosters get published. Additionally, some interesting news around the NBA Draft.


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NBA Draft 2009: early entrants, workouts and Reebok Eurocamp

May 17th, 2009 · 1 Comment

As the NBA Draft 2009 is approaching, I take a look at the latest development around the European players that will be in the Draft this year.


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A first look at the upcoming 2009 NBA Draft

April 14th, 2009 · No Comments

Today, I took a first look at the upcoming NBA Draft from a European perspective. I will check who are the players that have already declared to enter the draft and who is supposed to do so in the next days. Who are the players that are automatically eligible?


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Today’s picks

October 20th, 2008 · 2 Comments

The Toronto Raptors are currently scouting throughout Europe. GM Bryan Colangelo will be in Cologne next Friday to scout the German seven-footer Tibor Pleiss The German U19 NBBL has started last weekend. I will come back to the top performers a little later in the season Victor Claver looks very promising in this beginning of […]


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U20 European Championship (Division A): the Wings

August 16th, 2008 · No Comments

After the Guards, the next step will be the coverage of the most outstanding forwards of the tournament.


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Today’s picks (live from Riga)

August 10th, 2008 · 3 Comments

After having watched some Olympic Games basketball with Lithuanian fans in a Irish in Riga (Latvia), I am now back in the Riga Arena to cover the Final day of the U20 European Championships of Division A.


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Today’s picks (live from Riga)

August 9th, 2008 · No Comments

After a first day in Riga, visiting the city and meeting some people, the tournament of the U20 European Championship beings for me today.


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