European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

U19 World Championship 2013: the Guards

July 14th, 2013 · 1 Comment

The U19 World Championship 2013 is over and here is our recap of the main guards of the event. In our reports, we cover only the teams that reached the quarter finals and we do not speak about the North American teams as these players are already covered by a multitude of other websites. Enjoy.


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U19 World Championship 2013: 1/4 Finals

July 6th, 2013 · No Comments

The U19 World Championship 2013 takes place in Prague this year and we arrived in time for the Quarter Finals. All the game taking pace in the O2 Arena, let’s see who qualified for the semifinals.


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Albert Schweitzer 2012: the Best of the Bottom 8

April 17th, 2012 · 2 Comments

Before analyzing the best prospects from the Top 8 teams; teams that I have seen at least twice during the tournament; I wanted to give a quick recap on several players from the teams that finished in the Bottom 8 and that I could only see once. So these scouting reports remain quite short and […]


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Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2012: Day 1 Recap

April 7th, 2012 · 3 Comments

Today started the 26th edition of the Albert- Schweitzer Tournament in Mannheim (Germany). After having moved away from the traditional US Sports Arena, the Waldsporthalle in Viernheim was the newcomer among the gyms on the schedule. So I decided to follow the games in this new facility that was nicely filled throughout the day.


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