European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

U19 World Championship 2013: Medal day

July 7th, 2013 · No Comments

The last day of the U19 World Championship in Prague has brought the decision on who will be the successor of Lithuania who won this title 2 years ago. The United States were the big favorites so read here how the tournament ended in Prague.


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U17 World Championship 2012: other prospects

July 20th, 2012 · 3 Comments

Next to the European players that I have analyzed in details a few days ago, there were also a high number of other interesting prospects coming from all around the world. Here is a quick review on the most talented players that are not from Europe.


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U17 World Championship 2012: the Finals

July 8th, 2012 · No Comments

The last day of the U17 World Championship 2012 started with the same situation than the days before, 30 degrees in the streets and nice atmosphere in the Zalgiris Arena. One major change though, Lithuania has qualified for the Olympic Games in London during the night. But that’s not why we traveled to the Baltic […]


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U17 World Championship 2012: 1/2 Finals

July 7th, 2012 · No Comments

Second day for me in Kaunas and the intensity of the competition was increasing as we approached the semi-finals. But before the showdown in the evening, there were several classification games.


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