European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Nike International Junior Tournament Day 2 (live from Barcelona)

May 7th, 2011 · 1 Comment

We arrived only for the second day of the Nike International Junior Tournament which explains the absence of any comment on Day One. So we start immediately with the coverage of the action from Friday of the Finals for this year’s biggest trophy in Junior Club Basketball.


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Nike International Junior Tournament Preview

May 2nd, 2011 · 1 Comment

The 9th edition of the Nike International Junior Tournament will be played from Thursday to Sunday at the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona. The Euroleague has assembled two groups of four teams that compete in order to follow up on the first French victory which INSEP reached last year at home in Paris. We go […]


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FIBA U19 World Championships: Kazakhstan

July 4th, 2009 · 2 Comments

The FIBA U19 World Championships have started this week in New Zealand and we had not that many surprises so far as all the big teams from Europe and the Americas have qualified for the next round. So I chose to take a closer look at one of the intruders to the Final round that […]


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