European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Christmas Tournaments Overview 2011/2012

December 24th, 2011 · 2 Comments

Traditionally, the weeks around Christmas and New Year are filled with interesting tournaments. Because of logistical reasons (I moved and am still moving to a new place), I can not cover any of these tournaments live. However, here is a quick overview of the major events of the next days.


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Hezonja, Mavra and Knezevic, Zagreb’s other prospects

May 9th, 2011 · 4 Comments

Next to Dario Saric, the team of KK Zagreb features some other highly talented players in their however small rotation. Let’s check who were the prospects that shined around the Croatian sensation for this year’s Nike International Junior Tournament winners.


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Nike International Junior Tournament Day 3 (live from Barcelona)

May 7th, 2011 · No Comments

The third day of the NIJT in Barcelona was filled with individual brilliance of some players and the confirmation of some of the hottest names of the last months. With KK Zagreb and Zalgiris Kaunas reaching the final, clearly the two best teams will fight tomorrow for the crown as both emerged as the most […]


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