European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

U18 European Championship 2014: Serbia/Greece

October 30th, 2014 · 1 Comment

Here are some notes I still had as a Draft from the U18 European Championships 2014 that I wanted to share. They cover the teams from Serbia and Greece but can not be considered as full scouting reports as it is just the notes I put down which normally are supports for the profile I […]


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U18 European Championship 2013: the Bigs

August 9th, 2013 · No Comments

We conclude our reports on the U18 European Championship 2013 from Riga with the scouting reports on the Big Men. These include of course the Latvian twin towers Porzingis and Pasecniks but also the highly recruited Domantas Sabonis and the Croatian talents Arapovic and Zganec.


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U18 European Championship 2013: 1/2 Finals

July 28th, 2013 · No Comments

Here we go for the 2nd day in Riga to cover the U18 European Championship of Division A.


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