European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

EuroCup 2010/2011: Players to follow

November 16th, 2010 · 2 Comments

Today starts the EuroCup Regular season with three Live games that can be watched online on Eurosport. The evening starts at 19h00 CET with the game between Anwil Wloclawek and ALBA Berlin. At 20h15 CET, the match between ASVEL and BG Göttingen is a lot more interesting as the French team features some interesting young […]


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Copa del Rey quarter-final impressions

February 20th, 2010 · No Comments

This weekend is played the highly regarded Spanish Copa del Rey regrouping the top teams of the ACB League in a direct elimination setting in order to win the Cup of the King of Spain. This event is seen as one of the most important events in Spanish basketball and winning a Copa is a […]


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