European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

NIJT FMP Tournament 2010: the Bigs

February 22nd, 2010 · 2 Comments

In the last part of our reports from the FMP City of Belgrade NIJT Qualification Tournament, we will speak about the big guys today. In this category, you could find probably the most dominating players of the tournament and in the end of the day maybe the only NBA prospects of the tournament.


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NIJT FMP Tournament 2010: the Guards

February 15th, 2010 · No Comments

In the first part of the detailed player reports from the FMP City of Belgrade Nike International Junior Tournament Qualifier, I will talk about the guards that have marked me the most. Due to the competition timetable, I could not scout some players in the extend I would like to so that there may be […]


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NIJT FMP Tournament Day 2 (live from Belgrade)

February 14th, 2010 · No Comments

Waking up this morning was quite a shock as overnight fell about 20cm-30cm of snow. The city looked a bit paralyzed and this sudden weather change had also an impact on the schedule of my day as we initially planned to attend OKK Belgrade versus Mega Vizura in Pionir Arena. But the long drive throughout […]


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NIJT FMP Tournament Day 1 (live from Belgrade)

February 13th, 2010 · No Comments

After having arrived on Thursday in the capital of Serbia, we had to get up early today after a night of Serbian folk music to check out the games of this year’s edition of the FMP City of Belgrade Basketball tournament. The tournament is one of the 4 qualifiers for the Nike International Junior Tournament […]


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FMP City of Belgrade Tournament teams announced

October 21st, 2009 · 1 Comment

Today started officially the Euroleague season 2009/2010 but we also got today the first names of teams that have been invited to one of the Nike International Junior Tournament Qualifiers. In fact, Brose Baskets Bamberg announced that they have once again been invited to participate at the FMP City of Belgrade Tournament in February 2010.


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