European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Tweets of the week (Week 20 – 2010)

May 23rd, 2010 · No Comments

From this weekend on, we will start a weekly Twitter round-up with the main tweets that have been sent out on our Twitter account. Check below all the important Tweets that have been published over the last week on the Twitter account. Feel free to follow us to get more updates on European Youth […]


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NIJT FMP Tournament Day 2 (live from Belgrade)

February 14th, 2010 · No Comments

Waking up this morning was quite a shock as overnight fell about 20cm-30cm of snow. The city looked a bit paralyzed and this sudden weather change had also an impact on the schedule of my day as we initially planned to attend OKK Belgrade versus Mega Vizura in Pionir Arena. But the long drive throughout […]


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