European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Scouting trip to Hesse

November 10th, 2009 · 2 Comments

This weekend, I visited some friends in the German Land of Hesse and I used this opportunity to see a bit of basketball action. With no major European prospect present in these games, I wanted however to mention the players I could observe. You will not find a detailed scouting report but more a general […]


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German talent meeting in Speyer

December 15th, 2008 · 4 Comments

After a first look at some promising players in the Bundesliga, I will cover today some of the biggest prospects that are currently playing in the third German League, ProB. This league features a nice bunch of talented young players and the match-up between Speyer and Ehingen was the opportunity to get a look at […]


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Season Preview: 1987 generation (Part 2)

September 27th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Here we go for the second part of the story.


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