European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Urspring travels to the United States again

December 6th, 2010 · No Comments

The German Basketball Academy from Urspring, that produced already several Division 1 players (Lucca Staiger, Christian Standhardinger, Justin Raffington,…) will participate at two prestigious tournaments in the USA during the Christmas Break. They will play the City of Palms Classic Signature Series where they will face Westchester County Day on the 20th December. After this […]


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JBBL/NBBL Top4 2010: the Finals

May 17th, 2010 · 3 Comments

On Sunday, the Finals of the German JBBL and NBBL season crowned IBBA and ALBA Urspring with the respective titles. For the JBBL, it was the first time ever that the title has been awarded while Urspring received their third NBBL crown in the 4 years of existence of the Youth League. Here we go […]


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