European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

The Kazakhstan passport fraud story continues

August 13th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Before flying tomorrow to Kaunas for the U16 European Championship, here are some news on the Kazakhstan basketball players passport fraud.


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Today’s picks (Day 1 live from Hagondange)

July 23rd, 2009 · 2 Comments

Today started the FIBA Europe U18 European Championship in France and I cover it extensively this year. My first trip was to Hagondange today to follow the two last games of the day.


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How old is Anton Arsenyev?

July 19th, 2009 · 16 Comments

During the recent FIBA U19 World Championship in New Zealand, the Kazakh team was one of the sensations of the event and especially with their win over the hosts and therefore qualification for the next round, the team has fulfilled all the expectations. And it was one guard that played the game of his life […]


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