European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

FIBA U19 World Championship Preview: Australia

June 26th, 2011 · No Comments

The Emus have really impressed a lot of people with this generation at the Albert-Schweitzer Tournament in 2010. But is this team good enough to compete for the World Championship? Danny Mills discusses the possibility in his preview of the Australian U19 National Team.


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The Euro-Connection of Gold Medal Emus at the AST 2010

April 17th, 2010 · 5 Comments

The Australian U18 team won the 2010 edition of the Albert Schweitzer Tournament in a very impressive way. Even without having an outstanding talent dominating the competition, the Emus showed that an excellent team play and constant defensive effort is a huge advantage over teams that for most of them have only practiced a week […]


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Australia wins Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2010

April 11th, 2010 · 5 Comments

On Saturday, Australia won the 25th edition of the Albert Schweitzer Tournament in Mannheim in front of a sold-out crows in the Sports Arena at Benjamin Franklin Village in Mannheim. The German U18 finished at the 2nd place while the German U17 managed to beat Team USA and reached an outstanding 3rd place. Here is […]


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