European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

5 players to follow in the French ProA 2013/14

October 4th, 2013 · No Comments

In the third part of our season preview, we take a look at the French ProA today. Several of the most interesting prospects have left the league to play in the NBA or in Serbia, the number of talented prospects remains high even if it might be not that impressive than it was over the […]


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Official launch of LNB Prospects

June 8th, 2011 · No Comments

In cooperation with the very up-to-date in terms of Web 2.0 initiatives French team of PB86 Poitiers, Gaetan Carrasset has launched the youtube Channel LNB Prospects a few days ago. This youtube Channel features highlight clips, interviews and other stuff around the French Espoirs League. See below for the official teaser and some of the […]


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