European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

The big day of Joffrey Lauvergne

February 28th, 2013 · No Comments

During the Nike International Junior Tournament in Belgrade, I also had the possibility to follow the Adriatic League game between Partizan Belgrade and Union Olimpija Ljubljana. Over the last two years, Nemanja Nedovic used this moment where lots of NBA Scouts are present to showcase his skills. This time, the French big guy Joffrey Lauvergne […]


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NIJT Belgrade 2013: Day 2 Review

February 24th, 2013 · No Comments

The second day of the Nike International Junior Tournament in Belgrade started for me quite early in order to follow the morning session of the event. In the afternoon, I decided to skip the semi-finals in order to see the prospects of Partizan play their Adriatic League game against Olimpija Ljubljana in Pionir.


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NBA Draft 2012 – Early Entrants Analysis (VIDEO)

May 4th, 2012 · No Comments

The NBA has published the list of European players that have entered their names as Early Entry Candidates for the NBA Draft 2012 yesterday. In quite weak class, there are not many first round talents in the group. See below to get a feel for the names and see our prediction on their Draft chances […]


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