European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

NIJT Belgrade 2014: the Guards

March 4th, 2014 · 1 Comment

The last qualification event of the Nike International Junior Tournament has been played in Belgrade in late February. We are taking a look at the most interesting prospects and as always, we start our reports with the guards.


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NIJT Belgrade 2014: Day 2 Recap

February 22nd, 2014 · No Comments

The second day of the Nike International Junior Tournament brought first decisions in the morning session where a qualification for the semi-finals was on the line. Here is the report on the morning and evening sessions.


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NIJT Belgrade 2014: Day 1 Recap

February 22nd, 2014 · No Comments

For my first trip of the 2013-14 season, I went once again to Belgrade to cover the Qualification Event for theĀ  Nike International Junior Tournament. 8 teams competed in the Serbian capital with a majority of squads from the Balkan area. Here is the recap of the first game day.


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