Before analyzing the best prospects from the Top 8 teams; teams that I have seen at least twice during the tournament; I wanted to give a quick recap on several players from the teams that finished in the Bottom 8 and that I could only see once. So these scouting reports remain quite short and […]
Albert Schweitzer 2012: the Best of the Bottom 8
April 17th, 2012 · 2 Comments
Tags: AST 2012·Dane Pineau·Daniel Sealine·Dimitrios Agravanis·Emmett Naar·Idan Zalmanson·Ludvig Hakanson·Lukas Bergäng·Niklas Larsson·Peter Moeller·Rafael Menco·Rasmus Larsen·Yaniv Solomon·Zhou Qi
Albert Schweitzer 2012: Israel Preview
April 2nd, 2012 · No Comments
In our next preview, we will take a look at the Israeli team. Shai Levi explains us why this Israeli team might the at the beginning of a new successful generation.
Tags: Adar Ben-Aliza·AST 2012·Daniel Lawrence Sealian·Eliav Ohanon·Idan Zalmanson·Igor Kouleshov·Ishai Kislev·Maxim Kikus·Mayan Shraga·Naor Sharon·Rafael Menco·Shai Zalz·Yaniv Solomon·Yossef Saydof