After the first part that discussed the guards in the 2011 edition of the l’Hospitalet tournament, we will speak today about the main wing prospects with among them the MVP of the tournament, Marcus Eriksson from Sweden.
NIJT l´Hospitalet 2011: the Wings
January 17th, 2011 · No Comments
Tags: Alexander Zakharov·Daniel Diez·Hospitalet·Marcus Eriksson·Marius Grigonis·Modou Mbaye·Tauras Jogela·Tomas Dimsa·Vaidas Kariniauskas
NIJT L’Hospitalet 2011 (Day 2 live)
January 5th, 2011 · 1 Comment
The second day in the sunny Barcelona started early with the games that decide which teams will reach the semi-finals tomorrow and has the chance to qualify for the Final Tournament in May during the Euroleague Final 4.
Tags: Adria Sala·Albert Homs·Alexander Zakharov·Antun Hrkac·Arturo Cruz·Bienvenue Letuni·Daniel Diez·Denis Levshin·Elvis Saulitis·Ferran Huerta·Filip Bundovic·Guillem Vives·Guillermo Hernangomez·Iikka Maki·Johan Kody·Justas Tamulis·Luka Saric·Maksim Chislov·Marc Bauza·Marcus Eriksson·Marius Grigonis·Martin Junakovic·Modou Mbaye·Placide Nakidjim·Roman Afanasyev·Sergi SolĂ©·Simonas Kymantas·Stanislav Ilnitskiy·Tauras Jogela·Tomas Dimsa·Vaidas Kariniauskas