European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

NBBL All-Star Teams 2010/2011 selected

December 22nd, 2010 · 1 Comment

After having presented our review of the first half of the regular NBBL season including a personal vote for the upcoming NBBL All-Star game, the German league published today the twenty players that have finally been selected for the game on the 22nd of January in Trier.


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NBBL Season 2010/2011 Preview

October 14th, 2010 · 1 Comment

Last weekend started the 2010/2011 season of the German U19 NBBL League. The league features the players born in 1994,93 and 92 this season. Even if the 1992 born players are still eligible to play on this level, most of them are already a part of the rotation of professional teams on ProA or ProB […]


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