European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

NIJT London 2013: the Guards

May 17th, 2013 · No Comments

Here we go for the first part of our scouting reports from the Nike International Junior Tournament. The guard group was somehow quite limited in this event but overall you have to add that it was once again difficult to scout all the players in details with two games running parallel at all times.


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NIJT Finals 2013: Day 4 (LIVE from London)

May 13th, 2013 · 1 Comment

The Nike International Junior Tournament 2012/2013 came to an end on Sunday afternoon with a well deserved victory for Joventut Badalona. The day was crowned though by a great Final of the Euroleague.


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NIJT Finals 2013: Day 3 (LIVE from London)

May 12th, 2013 · 1 Comment

The third day of the Nike International Junior Tournament is in the books and it was quite an interesting day that ended with a semi-surprise and an expected final between Joventut Badalona and FC Barcelona.


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NIJT Finals 2013: Day 2 (LIVE from London)

May 11th, 2013 · 1 Comment

After having skipped the first day of the Nike International Junior Tournament in London, I made it to the capital of the United Kingdom for the second day. After the battle with the Euroleague that ended without a result, I was however looking forward to see some of the best young players in Europe.


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