European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Italy Under 19 National Finals Day 4

May 31st, 2013 · No Comments

In Day 4 of Italy’s under 19 national finals Assigeco Casalpusterlengo, Pms Moncalieri, Comark Bergamo and Virtus Siena found their way to the quarterfinals after their wins in the barrage between second and third seeded teams of each group.


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Italy : Under 19 National Finals Day 1

May 28th, 2013 · No Comments

The Italian Under 19 finals are taking place in Udine since yesterday (Mon, 27th) to Sunday (Sun, June 2nd). Giovanni Battista Gerometta is one of the observers of the event and he will provide us with daily reports on the Finals. Due to the fact the games are played on two different courts in this […]


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