European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

U16 European Championship 2014: the Guards

September 8th, 2014 · No Comments

We start our review of the U16 European Championship with a focus on the guards. As always, we do not go that much into details as these players are still very young and a lot of their development is still difficult to foresee. Additionally, it has to be noted that I did not see all […]


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U16 European Championship 2014: the Finals

August 30th, 2014 · No Comments

The last day in Riga was also the last day of the summer youth events for 2014. The Final was played between the hosts from Latvia and the super-deep French team. Here is the report on the main action from the day.


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U16 European Championship 2014: 1/2 Finals

August 29th, 2014 · No Comments

This report features information on the the 2 semi-finals of the U16 European Championship of Division A in Riga next to other comments on the games between Germany and Serbia as well as Denmark and Finland.


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JBBL Top4 2014: Player review

May 28th, 2014 · 1 Comment

After having covered the best prospects of the NBBL Top4 2014, this article will talk about the most interesting players of the JBBL Top4 including top prospect Isaiah Hartenstein. It has to be said that the level of individualities in the U16 category was exceptional with a multitude of future high-level players. Here is the […]


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NBBL/JBBL Top4 2014: Semi-Finals

May 17th, 2014 · No Comments

After a one year break, I am back to cover the NBBL and JBBL Top4 which is held in Quakenbrück this year. With the constant rise of the talent level in German Youth basketball, it is a really great event to cover some of the most promising prospects. Let’s take a look at what happened […]


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