European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

NBA Draft 2008: 1986 born automatically eligibles

June 25th, 2008 · 2 Comments

Tomorrow is the big day, the NBA Draft 2008 is going on in the Madison Square Garden, New York. Besides the 5 early entrants, there is a long list of 1986 born automatically eligible players that can be drafted. I took a short look at the most promising of these guys.


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Kaloyan Ivanov update

May 30th, 2008 · No Comments

The name of Kaloyan Ivanov bounced into the NBA Draft process last year when the Bulgarian PF declared himself to the Early Entrants list before retiring his name afterwards. This season where he is automatically eligible, we did not hear a lot about him so far, so that I decided to check what he is […]



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