European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Xmas Tournament Kortrijk 2014: the Bigs

January 7th, 2015 · 2 Comments

The level of inside prospects was not that great in the Xmas Tournament 2014 in Kortrijk. However, here are a few shorter scouting reports on the players that stood out one way or another.


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Xmas Tournament Kortrijk 2014: Day 1

December 27th, 2014 · No Comments

After staying overnight in Oostende, I took the short drive to Kortrijk for my first ever Xmas Tournament. This tournament is growing to one of the biggest events in Europe with about 100 teams involved in different youth categories. The main competition is the U19 Coca-Cola Invitational with 12 teams. The “Lange Munte” is a […]


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NIJT Belgrade 2014: the Bigs

March 23rd, 2014 · No Comments

In the last part of our review of the Nike International Junior Tournament in Belgrade, I am going to talk about the big guys. In this group, you will find scouting reports on the top-level prospects Dragan Bender and Ante Zizic as well as some interesting players for the College level like Norbert Janicek.


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