Before analyzing the best prospects from the Top 8 teams; teams that I have seen at least twice during the tournament; I wanted to give a quick recap on several players from the teams that finished in the Bottom 8 and that I could only see once. So these scouting reports remain quite short and […]
Albert Schweitzer 2012: the Best of the Bottom 8
April 17th, 2012 · 2 Comments
Tags: AST 2012·Dane Pineau·Daniel Sealine·Dimitrios Agravanis·Emmett Naar·Idan Zalmanson·Ludvig Hakanson·Lukas Bergäng·Niklas Larsson·Peter Moeller·Rafael Menco·Rasmus Larsen·Yaniv Solomon·Zhou Qi
Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2012: Day 3 Recap
April 10th, 2012 · No Comments
After a day off, I was back in Mannheim to follow the third day of the 26th edition of the Albert Schweitzer Tournament, this time in the MWS Halle in order to get a look on the eight other teams in the competition.
Tags: Alessandro Procacci·Amedeo Tessitori·Anthony Racine·AST 2012·Boris Dallo·Daniel Sealine·David Michineau·Dominic Lockhart·Gavin Schilling·Guillaume Plas·Idan Zalmanson·Ismet Akpinar·James Birsen·Kalidou Diouf·Kevin Harley·Ludvig Hakanson·Maik Kelly·Malik Müller·Martin Massone·Matteo Imbro·Niklas Larsson·Paul Zipser·Sebastian Schüszler·Simone Fontecchio·Tai Webster·Talat Altunbey·Tayfun Erülkü
Albert Schweitzer 2012: Israel Preview
April 2nd, 2012 · No Comments
In our next preview, we will take a look at the Israeli team. Shai Levi explains us why this Israeli team might the at the beginning of a new successful generation.
Tags: Adar Ben-Aliza·AST 2012·Daniel Lawrence Sealian·Eliav Ohanon·Idan Zalmanson·Igor Kouleshov·Ishai Kislev·Maxim Kikus·Mayan Shraga·Naor Sharon·Rafael Menco·Shai Zalz·Yaniv Solomon·Yossef Saydof
NIJT Rome 2011 Player Scoutings (Pt. 2)
March 8th, 2012 · No Comments
After the first part of the review on the Nike International Junior Tournament from Rome, we attack the best prospects from the rest of the teams today in our part 2.
Tags: Amedeo Tessitori·Francesco Candussi·Idan Zalmanson·NIJT Rome 2011·Sergily Zagreba·Tridon Makonda