European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

FIBA U19 World Championship Preview: Croatia

June 27th, 2011 · No Comments

One of the most interesting teams for the upcoming U19 World Championship is Croatia. The team from the Balkan region features some of the most talented players from all of Europe and will be a very interesting mix of players from different ages. Our friend Boris breaks down the forces and weaknesses of Croatia.


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NIJT l´Hospitalet 2011: the Bigs

January 22nd, 2011 · No Comments

In the last part of our review of the 2011 edition of the l’Hospitalet Tournament, we will talk about the Big guys. These do not only include centers but a whole lot of Power Forwards as well as the number of real center players was limited. Let’s take a look.


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NIJT L’Hospitalet 2011 (Day 2 live)

January 5th, 2011 · 1 Comment

The second day in the sunny Barcelona started early with the games that decide which teams will reach the semi-finals tomorrow and has the chance to qualify for the Final Tournament in May during the Euroleague Final 4.


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