Before analyzing the best prospects from the Top 8 teams; teams that I have seen at least twice during the tournament; I wanted to give a quick recap on several players from the teams that finished in the Bottom 8 and that I could only see once. So these scouting reports remain quite short and […]
Albert Schweitzer 2012: the Best of the Bottom 8
April 17th, 2012 · 2 Comments
Tags: AST 2012·Dane Pineau·Daniel Sealine·Dimitrios Agravanis·Emmett Naar·Idan Zalmanson·Ludvig Hakanson·Lukas Bergäng·Niklas Larsson·Peter Moeller·Rafael Menco·Rasmus Larsen·Yaniv Solomon·Zhou Qi
Albert Schweitzer Tournament 2012: Day 3 Recap
April 10th, 2012 · No Comments
After a day off, I was back in Mannheim to follow the third day of the 26th edition of the Albert Schweitzer Tournament, this time in the MWS Halle in order to get a look on the eight other teams in the competition.
Tags: Alessandro Procacci·Amedeo Tessitori·Anthony Racine·AST 2012·Boris Dallo·Daniel Sealine·David Michineau·Dominic Lockhart·Gavin Schilling·Guillaume Plas·Idan Zalmanson·Ismet Akpinar·James Birsen·Kalidou Diouf·Kevin Harley·Ludvig Hakanson·Maik Kelly·Malik Müller·Martin Massone·Matteo Imbro·Niklas Larsson·Paul Zipser·Sebastian Schüszler·Simone Fontecchio·Tai Webster·Talat Altunbey·Tayfun Erülkü