European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Hugo Invernizzi (INSEP): “It isn’t only FMP that we have to beat”

May 4th, 2011 · No Comments

The French team INSEP got eliminated in Belgrade during the semi-finals by FMP Belgrade. However the defending NIJT champions come to Barcelona with a huge envy and big ambitions to earn the trophy for the second time in a row. Hugo Invernizzi confirmed us their will to reach the Final on Sunday.


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NIJT 2010: Who are the players to watch?

May 4th, 2010 · 6 Comments

The Nike International Junior Tournament is just a few hours away, so it was about time to check who are the players to look at. After having covered the two Qualification Tournaments in Rome and Belgrade, will also be in Paris over the full 4 days to give you a lot more information on […]


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Jordan Brand Classic 2010: European MVPs

March 8th, 2010 · No Comments

The Jordan Brand Classic camp was held this weekend in Istanbul. The best U16 players of Europe competed there to earn 10 spots for the Jordan Brand International team. This team will play in April in the Madison Square Garden.


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