European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Adidas Eurocamp 2014: Early Entry Candidates

June 12th, 2014 · No Comments

In our review of the Adidas Eurocamp, we will take first of all a look to the players that had declared early for the NBA Draft 2014. Most of these players have withdrawn their name from the pool in between though. The reports below can not be considered as full scouting reports but give an […]


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Adidas Eurocamp 2014: Day 2 Review

June 8th, 2014 · No Comments

The second day of the Eurocamp was marked mainly by the Next Generation Camp as there have not been many other games. However, it was another occasion to see some of the players in the morning sessions and in a great matchup against Team USA for the closing of the afternoon.


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Adidas Eurocamp 2014: Day 1 Review

June 7th, 2014 · No Comments

The Adidas Eurocamp 2014 started today in beautiful and sunny Treviso. Once again, hundreds of coaches, scouts, executive and agents made the trip to the Italian city to get an update on some of the most interesting prospects.


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