European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Adidas Eurocamp 2011: NBA Draft eligible players

June 19th, 2011 · No Comments

With the NBA Draft coming closer and closer, we go through the eligible players that were present in Treviso for the annual Adidas Eurocamp. Check below for an analysis of the most possible European Draft picks that have been present in Italy for the only European based pre-draft event.


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Adidas Eurocamp 2011: Vitals

June 14th, 2011 · 5 Comments

Find below the Vitals of the 2011 Adidas Eurocamp participants. We added as well the results from the Vitals test of 2010 for those players that participated already last year.



Adidas Eurocamp 2011: Shooting Chart

June 14th, 2011 · No Comments

During the Adidas Eurocamp 2011 in Treviso, the participants had to go through a shooting chart exercise where they had to take 25 two pointers and 25 three pointers in set positions. Check the results below.



Adidas Eurocamp 2011 LIVE: Day 3

June 14th, 2011 · No Comments

The 2011 edition of the Adidas Eurocamp is history. Overall, the level of the camp was not one of the bests form the last years as most of the potential lottery and first round picks decided to skip the event which is a trend that we as an observer of course do not like. However, […]


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Adidas Eurocamp 2011 LIVE: Day 2

June 13th, 2011 · No Comments

The 2nd day of the Adidas Eurocamp was marked by two very different stand-out individual performance with Dwight Howard doing the Haka with the Rugby U20 National Team of New Zealand and the Boris Barac shooting clinic from behind the three-point line.


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Adidas Eurocamp 2011 LIVE: Day 1

June 13th, 2011 · No Comments

Day 1 of the Adidas Eurocamp 2011 is in the books. The day featured three games of which two have been played with a regular clock and one with running time. There have been some additional drop-outs in relation with the published lists and there is not even one European first round projection of 2011 […]


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The “other” Early-Entrants for the NBA Draft 2011

June 3rd, 2011 · 4 Comments

Every year, the Adidas Eurocamp in Treviso is the place to go for NBA Teams in order to scout the European Draft prospects. But the camp does not always invite all the Early-Entrants or Automatically eligible players that are out there. This year, 6 Early Entrants are not on the list as of today so […]


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Adidas Eurocamp 2011: first list

May 14th, 2011 · 1 Comment

Today, we got a first list of the participants for the Adidas Eurocamp 2011 in Treviso. There might of course be some changes that will happen in the last days because of Playoff games or injuries but as the camp has been put a week later than usual (11-13th June), this will most likely be […]



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