European Prospects

News about Young European Basketball Prospects

Name: Abdel Kader Sylla

Birthday: 10th April 1990

Nationality: Seychelles

Team: Sluc Nancy (2011/2012)  

Vitals(adidas Eurocamp 2011)

  • Height (w/o shoes): 2m02
  • Weight: 99.4kg
  • Body Fat: 7.6%
  • Wing Span: 226cm
  • 3/4 Court Sprint: 3.41 seconds
  • Vertical Jump Standing: 60.4cm
  • Vertical Jump Free: 80.2cm

Abdel Kader Sylla starts to play

December 9th, 2011 · 1 Comment

SLUC Nancy was one of the main attractions in the Euroleague this season because of the presence of the French National Team player Nicolas Batum. However, since his departure, the team struggles in the main competition but they find some time to integrate one of their most interesting prospects into the regular rotation.



NBA Draft 2011–Early Entrants Analysis

April 29th, 2011 · 1 Comment

The NBA has published yesterday the list of Early Entrants for the NBA Draft 2011. It features 20 players based in Europe and two Europeans playing in the NCAA. We will go over the 20 Internationals, give a short scouting report with Video (where available) and make a prediction on their Draft Stock.


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